Family Owned and Operated by Johnny, Sonny and Lisa Williams

Born to Buck
Producing Generations of Bucking Bull Genetics
We would like to thank you for your interest in our Born to Buck cattle. To date, we maintain over 450 head of Born to Buck livestock. Our program originated back in the late 1980's with some of the most recognized genetics in the bucking bull industry.
The foundation of our herd began with #1 Top Gun and -4 Chucker females in addition to numerous CP 515 daughters that were purchased. CP #515 was a three-time qualifier for the "International Final Rodeo". We bred these herds to the great 01 Iron Man and #22 Deuce's, which at that time, owned by Dave Martin, later owned by Harper, Morgan & Kimberlin.
Later in life #22 Deuce's made two trips to Las Vegas, first for PBR World Finals and again for the "National Finals Rodeo". Other herd sire through out the 90's included #110 Power Line, 07 Demolition Man, #199 and brother #195 Poker Face, #23 Make U Famous, #70 Fist Full of Dollars, -25 Space Lord, #784 Ram Jam, #26 Life Line, #33 Superstition, #04 Broadway (son of CP 515), #38 Vegas, 4 Cosmo.
We have numerous, Cows bred back with Calves on side, Cows safe with calf, as well as 4 -7 year old Bulls for sale. With the number of bulls in demand for our leasing program we are unable to offer the sale of our young bulls.
We have Semen Packages available, with a $1000.00 min. order purchase. We appreciate your support and hope to be of assistance with your own Born to Buck program

Cosmo is power packed with CP Breeding. He is a PBR World Finals Qualifier and was the only Sire to have two sons finish in the top twelve at the 2006 ABBI World Classic Finals in Las Vegas. On July 21, 2006 at the' Tulsa Express PBR Classic ABBI- BFT Level Classic Event', Bull #226 Superman tied for 1st place with D & H /Teague's bull Stray Kitty and #232 Countersink tied for 7 & 8th place. On October 30th in Round 1 at the ABBI World Classic Finals in Las Vegas, #232 Countersink placed 4th and #226 Superman split 9&10. After the final round was completed, #232 Countersink placed 9th and #226 placed 12th in the World Classic Finals Average, making #4 Cosmo the only SIRE to have 2 sons finish is the top 12. Another noted son, #225 Tabasco, placed 43rd out of 186 at the 2006 Wild Card Classic in Oklahoma. In September of 2006, J Bar W sold half interest in bulls #225, 226 and 232 to Michael Roth and Michael Lang from Saugerties, NY. We would like to thank them for their faith in our breeding program and wish them much success in their new adventure.
SEMEN: Inquire With In - 301-748-0613

He is the son of 07 Demolition Man.
He won the 7th round at 2004 PBR World Finals in Las Vegas and qualified again at the 2005 PBR World Finals.
In December of 2005 Shock & Awe injured a disk in his back. He is currently on pasture and is under the care of an Animal Chiropractor.
Semen: $100.00 per straw, 5 straw minimum.